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(1 edit)

Now that was a nice experience! Thank you!

I had a small bugs (on Linux): the credits suddenly stopped at the thanks part (without having shown anybody to thank).

Thank you for playing, Eike!

Currently the game is only in 4 languages. This is a collaborative project, so every language is courtesy of each translator, who volunteered. The game would be available in as many languages as people wanted to translate it. So, based on the people who volunteered, the game was planned to be released in 7 languages (all of them are in the credits). However, three translations were not finished on time (one of them is German translation). We hope Clothes Line will be available in these three languages in the future.

Yeah, you're right, I just checked that the credits are cut off early. We'll see what happens. Thanks for letting us know.

This is a really really sweet little game! Thank you for sharing, I love the character and story and enjoyed playing it. Well done everyone! :)

Thanks for your kind words! It's great to read that you enjoyed it.

Muy majo y con lo justo de pensar en los puzzles, deja con ganas de más

Muchas gracias, David. No es mala sensación con la que quedarse.

Tras recuperar el calcetín asustando al gato, salí a la ventana y probando cosas creo que hice doble click en la ventana del vecino, momento en que el juego se quedó congelado con solo la música sonando

En Linux o Mac, ¿no? Sí, ya nos han reportado ese bug: si haces doble clic en la pantalla del tendedero (es igual el lugar) se queda colgado. Para Windows ya hemos subido una versión con ese bug arreglado, pero en Mac y Linux todavía tenemos que comprobar que funcione bien todo. En cuanto lo hayamos comprobado, subiremos la versión arreglada. Siento mucho las molestias. Disculpa, David.

Están subidas las versiones con el bug arreglado.

Era en windows pero había usado la versión vieja, gracias!

¡Un saludo!

Sweet game

Thank you!

this was really lovely! played in english. 

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

"zero references" thank GOD

Hahaha! The world needed a humorous adventure game like this.

Really cool!! My gameplay (Spanish version):

Thanks for everything, Ana!

"Zero references to classic adventure games", you already got me at the second point from the list, no need to convince me even more!

Pure innovation.